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Did you know…? La calahorra

Seguro que has escuchado hablar sobre La Calahorra, pero ¿conoces su historia y una de las multitudinarias leyendas que le definen? we tell you in Apartamentos Plaza.

His story

In front of the Mosque-Cathedral, at the southern end of the Roman Bridge, this fortress tower rises majestically. Built by the Arabs to defend the head of the Bridge, the fortress originally consisted of two towers, united by an arch that allowed access to the city.

Sin embargo, its current appearance dates from the fourteenth century. It was Enrique II of Trastámara who ordered its construction to defend against the continuous attacks of his brother Pedro I the Cruel.

Hoy, the Torre de la Calahorra is one of the main monuments of the city and attracts thousands of tourists every year. The living museum of al-Andalus is housed within its walls. Using the most advanced technique, the visitor is informed about the splendor of al-Andalus, the advances of science and the relationship of the different cultures that coexisted peacefully in Córdoba.

On the ground floor there are four characters: Maimonides the Jew, the Christian Alfonso X and the Muslims Averroes and Ibn Al Arabi, that talk about the past of the city and what it represented for universal culture. in other rooms, surgical and musical instruments are exhibited, as well as models of different buildings in the city.

The final point of the museum visit is to go to the top of the tower. From there, the visitor enjoys magnificent views over the old town of Córdoba.

Despite its purely defensive function, the Torre de la Calahorra shows us decorative elements in Mudejar style.

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Visitor Information




C/ Puente Romano s/n
14009 Córdoba
Tlf.: (+34) 957 29 39 29

Opening Hours

1 de mayo a 30 of September
De lunes a domingo
10.00h – 14.00h y
16.30h – 20.30h

Horario videoproyección
11.00h – 12.00h – 17.30h – 18.30h

1 de octubre a 30 de abril
De lunes a domingo
10.00h – 18.00h

Horario videoproyección
11.00h – 12.00h – 13.00h – 15.00h – 16.00h

Abierto todos los días, incluidos domingos y festivos.


Tarifa general
4,50 EUR

Tarifa reducida (estudiantes, carnet joven, pensionistas, jubilados)
3,00 EUR

Entrada gratuita
Para menores de 8 años.

Grupo (a partir de 15 personas)
3,00 EUR/persona*

*Para las visitas de grupo es impresindible reserva previa. Dicha reserva será tramitada según el orden de recepción y disponibilidad. El responsable del grupo y los profesores tendrán la entrada gratuita siempre que supongan un porcentaje razonable del grupo.

A los interesados en asistir a la videoproyección se aplica un suplemento de 3,00 EUR/persona.


Puente Romano, Mezquita, Alcazar of the Christian Monarchs, Botanical Garden, Arab baths

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